Since moving to the DC area, I’ve been absolutely blown away by the creative community here. So many incredible opportunities for collaboration have already popped up with friends I met at Blog Brunch! Not long after that, I attended a found object necklace workshop by the Virginia and Morgan of Topaz + Arrow. They have the neatest little studio called the Wild Hand Workspace – really bright and airy. We dove straight from local snacks and drinks to a whole lotta rope, hardware, spray paint, and chaos.
One of my favorite things about a get-together like this is seeing the end results. We all start off with the same exact supplies, but the final products couldn’t be more different! I know I shouldn’t play favorites, but my hands-down favorite piece of the day was whipped up in a hot second by Cortney, the creative behind Be Cool, Mom. Topaz + Arrow does a different workshop every month, like terrariums and nontraditional wreath making. Check out their upcoming events page for details, but keep in mind that they usually sell out before the event.