Did you just send your baby off to college? Or your sister? Brother? Well, as hard as it is, you can still be there when they need you most. You know what you need most that first few weeks of college?
How do you make those friends that will stand by you through four crazy years? With your winning personality. BUT a package of random, weird, wonderful familyness (chock-full of movie nights & caffeine) never hurts…
You want to ease the homesickness of those first couple weeks of freshman year for your baby? Send a care package that’s inherently them.
- Matted art without the weight of a frame – perfect for taping up on dorm room walls
- Jewelry – something cute and simple, just for fun
- Organizers – maximize their small space with boxes and trinket trays for sorting everything
- Quirky stationery supplies – to make note-taking more bearable
- DVDs and candy for at least two movie nights
- Coffee, coffee, coffee – Starbucks gift card and to-go mug to get through the first round of all-nighters
- SUBTLE HINT: self-addressed, stamped envelopes and extra stamps – and not-so-subtle phone calls referring to said envelopes
- Air freshener – because dorm rooms never smell like flower gardens
- Personal, quirky odds and ends – blue elephant? Check!
Bonus: Instead of packing peanuts or bubble wrap, protect the contents with air-popped popcorn. It’s environmentally-friendly and just plain fun.
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When I entered college I chose a college on the other side of the coast and moved to the other side of the country. Most of all I missed the memories of my hometown and I often used papersowl.com to see pictures of my home and city. It was this that was most important to me.
When I entered college I chose a college on the other side of the coast and moved to the other side of the country. Most of all I missed the memories of my hometown and I often used Google to see pictures of my home and city. It was this that was most important to me.
When I entered college I chose a college on the other side of the coast and moved to the other side of the country. Most of all I missed the memories of my hometown and I often used google.com to see pictures of my home and city. It was this that was most important to me.
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