As of today, Andrei has been my biggest partner in crime for six years. I’m immeasurably grateful for him and all we’ve been through together over those years. I never take for granted the fact that I’ve found somebody to spend my life with who automatically stops on the side of the road when we see baby farm animals because he knows I have to take a picture. Somebody who is always game to try my various cooking and baking experiments, knowing full well that there’s a good chance he’ll regret it. Somebody who doesn’t complain when I ask him to come hold a hot glue gun in one hand and a cupcake in the other while I get my camera set up just right for the perfect shot. Somebody who humors me when I insist that the cats have an opinion about the location of the new furniture. Somebody who always drives, even on long road trips, because he knows I think driving is the worst. Somebody who is just as crazy about filling up his passport as I am (even though I have to start with a blank one now that I have a new last name…)! Somebody who knows me completely and loves me because and in spite of everything I am.
I love you, b!
Congrats to you both! It’s quite the accomplishment, sounds like he’s a good sport and enjoys all the fun you bring to the table. My husband is excellent with putting up with my quirks as well.