As far as the yogurt review: I tried a four-pack of the strawberry flavor. I know that yogurt is really great for you and has calcium and happy bacteria and all that jazz, but the texture just irks me. I usually don’t make it to the bottom of a little tub of yogurt (unless it’s fruit on the bottom, and then I’m totally there), and the Fiber One was no different. However, that’s a good thing for everybody who loves yogurt. It doesn’t have any funny taste that gives away the little healthy tidbits they’ve snuck in. Overall, I’d say this is a really good product because it’s a way to supplement your diet without having to really make any changes.

- To enter tell me something you do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This step is mandatory, and please make sure to leave your e-mail address in your first comment.
- Become a follower of Shrimp Salad Circus (the blog) using one of the blog subscribe options on the middle sidebar or at the top right under the search bar.
- Tweet the following, and leave a link to your tweet.: Shrimp Salad Circus is giving away two $50 gift cards to the Safeway family of stores! http://tinyurl.com/yhk2o8r Ends March 20 – enter now!
* The Small Print – My VIP coupon, gift card, information, and the giveaway pack were all provided to me free of charge for review by Safeway, Yoplait, and My Blog Spark. All opinions expressed herein, on, or under are mine, mine, mine.
I run 3 times a week and eat multiple small meals throughout the day to stay healthy.
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Shrimp Salad Circus email subscriber
susan56bft at gmail dot com
We try to make healthy choices when we eat, like lots of fresh veggies and fruit. We eat a lot of whole grains. Drink lots of water. Get some form of exercise everyday.
susan56bft at gmail dot com
I keep a journal of everything that I eat. This has really helped me become more consious of my eating habits.
[email protected]
[email protected]
New Follower
[email protected]
I’m a Bloglines feed subscriber. tylerpants(at)gmail.com
To maintain a healthy lifestyle I try to stay active. I hate going to the gym or exercising so instead I take my son out for walks. We have a park about 2 blocks away. He gets fresh air, I get my butt off the couch! tylerpants(at)gmail.com
I tweeeeted!!!
[email protected]
I follow your blog
[email protected]
I try to use my wii fit on a daily basis and eat veggggies!
[email protected]
I’m following you on Google friend connect. 🙂
I tweeted!
Thanks for the opportunity!
I follow your blog via Google Friends Connect!
I’ve cut soda out like 99% of the time. Just knowing there’s 10 teaspoons of sugar in a can is so gross. I feel so much better knowing that I’m not ingesting so much empty calories. peanut[at}nyc.rr.com
I tweeted
I subscribe by email
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
I don’t do enough to maintain a healthy life style! But I try to exercise 4x a week and eat lots of fruit and veggies.
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
calidreamin87 (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow/subscribe via Google Reader.
Sorry, forgot email:
calidreamin87 (at) gmail (dot) com
It’s also in my profile.
I work out at the gym, cardio + weights 🙂
I really try to get out and take my daughter for a run/walk with the jogger stroller every. It makes both of us feel better!
I am a follower.
I think the important thing to do is to stock almost no junk food at home and have tons of fruit and veggies. It is tough to resist temptation. Also eat out only when you really want/need to. I mean it is always easier to take the simple/lazy way out and go out to grab something but it is usually a lot more healthier to cook at home.
To stay healthy I take my Juice Plus+!
I tweeted: http://www.twitter.com/paper_cranes
I’m following your blog. 🙂
I maintain a healthy lifestyle by packing my own lunches, not buying sweet beverages (I mostly just drink water), and not buying sweet snacks like cookies. If I bought cookies for myself when I grocery shop I’d weigh at least five pounds more than I do!
I am trying to get a good night’s sleep to stay healthy.
thank you!
Tweeted http://twitter.com/ninahateslosing/statuses/10711795214
I take my dogs for a stroll around the neighborhood everyday.
[email protected]
I tweeted too!
I get up every morning and meditate and do some stretches to get my day started! It really does help make a day better. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
OOps, my email is [email protected]
I try to eat a healthy diet of organic veggies and fruit, milk, etc. Also, love whole wheat breads and pasta.
Exercising is key too to stay healthy!
I like to exercise to stay healthy and fit.
I forgot to add my email! [email protected]
I do several things to TRY to get/stay healthy. It’s not always so easy though :).
One thing I am able to do consistently is eat lean, healthy meats. I avoid red meat as much as possible.
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/mem4dr/status/10643971347
username: mem4dr
I subscribed via email.
mem4dr at gmail dot com
I walk 10-12 miles a week to try to stay physically fit. I am trying to add more cardio like running or something (I walk at a pretty slow pace!) but it is hard to get myself moving sometimes!
I visit the doctor regularly. It’s not my favorite thing in the world, of course, but I am very diligent about it. Thank you for the giveaway!
I drink lots and lots and lots of water.
I try to approach my eating with consciousness. I don’t want to eat just to eat!! So I try and choose very wisely and make sure that what I eat is as close to nature as I can make it.
xmaswoman (at) hotmail (dot) com
heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com
Blog follower! Yay!
heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com
To maintain a healthy lifestyle I make eating healthy and exercising a priority, not a choice. I buy fresh organic produce from my local farmers market and meat from local livestock. I also mix up my exercise routine so it stay fun + fresh so I don’t get burned out!
heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com
We have been cutting way back on carbs. Brown rice, whole wheat pasta, etc. Thanks!
I have recently begun following a clean eating lifestyle with little to no processed foods and already feel a change! It feels great to be healthy!
One thing that we do to maintain a healthy lifestyle is to eat at home. I try to cook most nights of the week. I like kncwing all the ingredients that we are consuming.
[email protected]
limit soda and watch caffeine intake
[email protected]
My easy trick to eat healthy is to not buy junk food. If it’s not in the kitchen I can’t eat it and I rarely feel a craving strong enough to make me want to schlep to the store.
My husband and I eat spinach instead of just lettuce. Much healthier, easy switch!
catsen {at} cox.net
I play tennis 3 times a week!
i exercise every day and try to drink mostly water
We have a smallish park right around the block from our house, and I try to make the 30 minute walk around it everyday the weather allows. I also make veggie dips using yogurt and homemade dip mixes. Its way lighter than dips bought at the shop, and there’s a tonne of mix recipes online that allow you to avoid all the strange chemical ingredients found in most dressings. Plus its cheaper, so its healthier for my wallet too 🙂
I find breathing helpful, but seriously, walking and swimming.
I tweeted at: http://twitter.com/bigjimboextreme
bigjimboextreme at yahoo dot com
I’m a subscriber to Shrimp Salad Circus
bigjimboextreme at yahoo dot com
I try to go to the gym while the kids are in preschool!
[email protected]
I am drinking water and doing sit-ups.
bigjimboextreme at yahoo dot com
Speaking of being left out of the techno loop…
Tweeted. Not sure how to leave a specific link (wow, doesn’t that make me feel left out of the technology loop?)
Here’s the account:
aelphaba AT gmail DOT com
I eat oatmeal every morning. It sounds like it’d get boring, but it doesn’t – it’s a healthy, high fiber meal that is a blank canvas. Oatmeal with blueberries and orange zest? (antioxidents! fiber!) Oatmeal with cinnamon? Oatmeal with raisins? Oatmeal with maple syrup? Apples? Strawberries? The list goes on. It’s a filling, healthy meal that keeps me going throughout most of the morning without reaching for an unhealthy snack.
tweeted: http://twitter.com/luvscontests/status/10546534671
purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
Subscriber! purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
I stay healthy by eating raw fruits and veggies a lot.
I drink lots of water & eat salads and fruits daily! 🙂
purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
I always take the stairs! 🙂
[email protected]
i follow your blog
[email protected]
we try to incorporate veggies into every meal
[email protected]
I walk with my neighbor in the mornings.
I’m a follower!
I exercise at least 5 times a week and try to walk as much as possible.
I am also a new follower on here! great stuff! ^_^
we recently switched to yoplait’s new “Asana” yougurt, that has TONS more vitamin D and other goodies in it, thank God my little girl just loves it! we also put off buying a car so we always walk/bike/run everywhere for exercise;)
[email protected]
To stay healthy (and to lose weight) I walk 10,000 steps a day. I also try to eat fairly healthy and follow the “S” Diet- No snacks, sweets or seconds and days that don’t start with S! It seems to really be working, I’ve lost about 7 pounds in 3 weeks.
Thanks for the chance to win!
dlogston (at) gmail (dot)com
tweeted http://twitter.com/annedoggett/status/10539650720
[email protected]
I follow via Google Friend Connect
[email protected]
I try to walk every day and I eat foods high if fiber.
[email protected]
I walk at least 30 min. a day with my daughter.
sarad13 at ymail dot com
I drink plenty of pure, clean water, and I try to get lots of sleep!
kasey19062 AT aol DOT com
[email protected]
Look for low calorie foods and jump on trampolines to get exercise.
Shop at the local farmer’s market for fresh fruits and vegetables and local products.
diapercoupons.nc at gmail dot com
I drink soy milk and eat lots of fruits and vegetables plus I go long walks every day.Marian
fingers crossed.
[email protected]
I follow u on thw twit and tweeted
I couldn’t get a status link yet but check it under twitter/sibabe64
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
google friend
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
I’m starting to eat more fruits and veggies. I drink decaffinated drinks.
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
Oh no! I’ve been tweeting for the past few days and not linking it here!! Ooops!
3/12 tweet
tweeted about this (pinkdandy)!
pinkdandyshop at yahoo dot com
I am a follower (love your blog!)
pinkdandyshop at yahoo dot com
I am following the Biggest Loser eating plan. I work out 2-3 times a week. I have cut out soda for 2 years now also.
pinkdandyshop at yahoo dot com
i just tweeted about the giveaway
i just became follower w/ google friend connect
plus i subscribed in my google reader
Well… I should be walking on that treadmill… but I don’t do it everyday like i should..
I do yoga and bring my dog for walks in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle:)
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
I tweeted, thanks so much!
I follow you on google friend connect. Thanks!
parodi821 at yahoo dot com
I drink a lot of water, walk regularly and try to eat healthy to stay healthy.
parodi821 at yahoo dot com
We try to eat healthy and get outside every day regardless of the weather! It’s important for us, our kids and our dog.
pjkmitchell at hotmail dot com
i re tweetedhttp://twitter.com/ichbinseins/status/10195155110
i’m a new follower via gfc
i try to eat small portions to maintain a healthly lifestyle
I grab the stroller and go for a walk with the baby! It’s fun for the both of us.
I exercise on my elliptical five days a week.
i tweeted http://twitter.com/redfuzzycow/status/10251787475
i follow your blog (redfuzzycow)
i exercise at least four times a week and drink a muscle milk every day for lunch 🙂
I follow your blog via email subscription and RSS feed with google reader
I have 17 month old twins so I’m busy running after them all day, a good workout! And I drink lots of water 🙂
tweet http://twitter.com/phxbne/status/10229554613
michelejdaley at gmail dot com
try to get to the gym 2-3 times a week
michelejdaley at gmail dot com
i subscribe to RSS feed in Google Reader.
For a healthy lifestyle, I drink lots of water and tea and have virtually cut-out diet soda (… just one or two a week!!)
Blog follower!
We like to walk every morning, and do aerobic exercise a couple times a week as well.
I follow with Google Friend Connect and also subscribe by email.
I exercise, keep my weight down, and try to stay away from salty and fatty foods (but I do love those pretzels!).
I try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day
[email protected]
E-mail subscriber & blog follower
[email protected]
We do not drink sodas and have replaced all snacks with healthier options (fruits, nuts,yogurt). Because I am pre-diabetic, we have recently started using wheat pasta and brown rice. Also we drink lots of water!
[email protected]
I follow your blog.
I’ve cut way down on drinking soda and I’ve been drinking water and tea instead.
lauriemac982 at aol dot com
rss follower
I try to eat healthy and drink skim milk each day.
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/jkgorcery/status/10195359173
I follow your blog
I watch my calorie count and try to stay below 1400/day to maintain my weight
i tweeted!! http://twitter.com/ichbinseins/status/10195155110
i’m a follower through google friend connect and google reader! 🙂
[email protected]
i make sure to drink a huge glass of water whenever i feel hungry. turns out, most of the time, i’m just thirsty! this is also a great trick to make yourself fuller faster before you eat a regular meal. just drink a glass of water and you don’t eat as much!
[email protected]
I eat a low fat, low cholesterol diet, cut back on my soda drinking and walk a lot.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
tweeted! http://twitter.com/perk0130/status/10183617362
jaime_890 at hotmail dot com
I follow your blog through google reader!
jaime_890 at hotmail dot com
I try to avoid processed foods as much as reasonable. I also take vitamins, especially calcium and vitamin D.
jaime_890 at hotmail dot com
I follow your blog via Google Connect now too!
To maintain a healthy lifestyle I have started to walk my daughter to school ran or shine! It’s great to get the exercise together. Thanks for the giveaway!
molomatic (at) gmail (dot ) com
I became a follower of your blog!
[email protected]
To maintain a healthy lifestyle, I ride my horse.
[email protected]
I follow U as an email subscriber [email protected]
I bike or walk 1 mile EVERY day & take lots of vitamins to keep healthy [email protected]
My healthy tip is to plan meals around fruits and veggies, instead of meat!
[email protected]
I follow your blog (its one of my favorites!!)
marstmi at gmail dot com
Well, I can’t say I’m a paragon of healthiness right now. But two things I do are meal planning (also makes it easier to get dinner on the table after a long day at work) and cinnamon. I read/heard somewhere that a teaspoon of cinnamon each day helps regulate your blood sugars and glucose levels and reduces appetites and cravings. So far, I’d say it works!! I’ve been adding cinnamon to my coffee in the morning (YUM!!) and I swear its reduced my mid-day sweet cravings.
Tweet http://twitter.com/debthompson/status/10171567502
deborah150 at hotmail.com
I follow your blog
deborah150 @ hotmail.com
We do our best to drink lots of water.
deborah150 at hotmail.com
I have tweeted about yer giveaway~
[email protected] // mintymaggie
I am already your follower !! ^^
[email protected] // mintymaggie
To maintain a healthy lifestyle, you have to eat right! veggies, little junk food, lots of water + vitamins!)
[email protected] // mintymaggie
@tcarolinep twitter follower and tweet.http://twitter.com/tcarolinep/status/10161333756
I’m a follower.
I exercise daily at least 30 minutes and make sure we have balanced meals.
I try to walk as much as I can, to everywhere I can.
[email protected]
Following/Tweeted – http://twitter.com/HeidiVargas/status/10155288607
heidivargas [at] live dot com
I have made an effort this year to walk more and drink plenty of water.
heidivargas [at] live dot com
I NEVER end my day without at least 30 minutes walking (treadmill or outdoors) I focus on sugar-free foods and eat lots of fruits and veggies.
following on GFC
melanie bleile
I am a follower of your blog through google reader
fa11enan9e1 at yahoo dot com
I maintain a healthy lifestyle by walking and biking places instead of driving.
fa11enan9e1 at yahoo dot com
I can’t enter (wrong country or something)
I just wanted to share that I’m scoffing a big green salad whilst reading the blogs I follow!
Good for the body and good for the mind 🙂
i follow your blog
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
I try and drink a lot of water. It’s hard sometimes but I figured it’s baby steps really and we all need water.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
im a follower on google friend connect!
One thing I do to maintain a healthy lifestyle is to come home from work to have lunch, instead of going out to a fast food restaurant. And, me and fiance have a subway restaurant about a mile away that we walk to when we want a sandwich on the weekend.
lollywoodjewelry at gmail dot com
Yoga, elliptical machine, walking and fresh food are my healthy habits. Already a follower!
numinositybeads (at) gmail (dot) com
I’m also a follower on google reader!
to maintain a healthy lifestyle I definitely meal plan. I have found that just wanting to eat healthy isn’t enough- I have to think ahead about what we are going to eat for the week and make appointments to go to the grocery store.
[email protected]
I follow too!
rennieangie at gmail dot com
I just cannot say enough how much a healthy lifestyle should include drinking LOTS of water, and boy do I!
rennieangie at gmail dto com
I follow you on twitter and tweeted: http://twitter.com/gosfam/status/10133819855
I follow your blog through Google Friend connect
I have to get some form of exercise and drink lots of water. My body feels healthier when I am hydrated. I feel so much more energized when I exercise. I also like to spend time outside.
mattles22 at yahoo dot com
im also a follower via google reader. thanks!
i have a dominick’s near me! one of the best things to do is drink lots of water.
my email address is gracealin1(at)gmail
i’m an RSS blog follower 8)
i’ve had a lot of gastric and hormonal problems lately, so i’m very acutely conscious of what i put in my body, whether it’s medications or food, cleaners, soap, etc. i’m an avid “ingredients” label reader, i thwart corn syrup like i thwart conservatives, i opt for more natural remedies for ailments instead of prescriptions. i hunt for good doctors endlessly, and believe me they are hard to find!! and in order to not freak out completely while accomplishing these feats, i meditate and have my Me Time every night 8)
I hop on my elliptical every single day while watching a recorded show. I also walk as much as I can instead of drive.
Don’t you hate it when you have gift cards you can’t use! This is a great way to solve that problem though 🙂
The step my husband have recently taken to eat healthier is to only buy whole wheat pasta. I have to say that I still enjoy the normal stuff a bit more, but after you adjust to the flavor and texture of whole wheat, it isn’t so bad. Especially when you put it in Tuna Noodle Casserole and smother it in cheesy goodness! Maybe not so health…but we’re working on baby steps here.
dirksendabbles (at) gmail (dot) com