My boys make me smile everyday, but the past couple days have just been ridiculous. I’ve been packing to move (eek!), throwing their little world into upheaval, and they’ve taken to it quite nicely. They’re nestling into every single nook and cranny in sight, and they’re doing it as cutely as can be.

And on the moving note, wish me luck – Saturday’s the big day! I’m reminded how terribly I hate packing, and I’m questioning my own survival.
Good Luck! We just moved back in March and it was awful. But, it’s just something that everyone has to do in life. You’ll feel better once it’s over =)
Where ever are you headed? Cute kitties. I see that your kitties and my kitties share some favorite hiding places.
What nice cats you have! A few years ago when I moved with cats, it was a disaster. A smelly, angry-cat, poop-on-your-bed disaster that lasted until after we were settled in the new place. I hope your cat-luck continutes!
Packing is definitely on the top of my “things I hate to do” list!