Make Today Epic!

May 12, 2015 separator be inspired

I’ve been on a major stop-motion kick this past week. A couple of them are in the wings waiting for a future moment to make their debut, but I couldn’t wait to share this little cutie! One of my dear friends painstakingly folded a fleet of little shimmer vellum paper airplanes for my wedding a couple years ago.

Unfortunately, since I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off total basketcase before the wedding, I forgot to bring them to the venue, and the pretty little lantern clouds raining planes that I had envisioned didn’t happen. And all of Sarah’s tireless folding was for naught. Sorry, Sarah… :/

But since I still have a bag of planes, I thought it was time for them to take flight on the interwebs!

Any guesses at how many pictures this little video is made up of? Leave a comment, and I’ll tell you tomorrow! 😉

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