make a plan . free quotable poster

August 11, 2012 separator be inspired

“You can make a plan / Carve it into stone / Like a feather falling / It is still unknown.” 

This one’s a lyric from “Arc of Time” by Bright Eyes, and I just love it. We can sometimes get so caught up in trying to plan out every detail of our lives that we forget to enjoy the moment we’re in right now. At the end of the day, it’s better to have spent your time doing something, not just planning to do it. You can hear the full song here

To download a high-resolution print-ready version of this poster, click here. You can print on regular-size computer paper. 

The poster and photo are my original work. Feel free to share a link to this page, but please don’t share the download link or full-size image. 

To download printable versions of the rest of the posters in this series, click the thumbnails below:


  1. Gorgeous! Love that lyric, and your poster series is really beautiful:) Can’t wait to see more!

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