TESAGE by Yukiko Sato is a phenomenal shop because Yukiko, the owner and seamstress of the whole shebang, has brought a little bit of Japan to New York with her in the form of the purse style she was raised with. Her handbags and purses are modern, unique, and fit a wide variety of styles, and she obviously loves what she does. Read on:
A. TESAGE means easy carry or handbag in Japanese. I had a few TESAGE that were made by my mom and grandma. While I was creating wardrobe for films, I had a big pile of vintage remnant fabric. I started creating TESAGE the same as my mom for my friends. One of my friends encouraged me to sell at a consignment store in New York City. I met a violinist when I traveled to Kansas City who carried my TESAGE. She told me she loved it because of the lightness and special handmade feeling that made her feel special. That made me think to start TESAGE business to give people all over the world a way to feel special.
Q. What’s the story behind TESAGE?

Q. What is your favorite thing about making purse inserts?
A. Picking nice color/print fabric that makes our customer big smile!
Q. Least favorite?
A. I don’t have one. All things related to TESAGE making are fun fun!
A. My dream when I was little was that I would have three houses all over the world – in Japan, New York and Paris!
Q. What is the nicest compliment you have ever received?
A. ” TESAGE is the most sophisticated design purses in my closet! I don’t use any other purses.”
Q. What advice do you have for Etsy sellers?

Q. What is your favorite holiday?
A. New Year’s in Japan.
Q. Cats or dogs?
A. Dogs – I love flat-faced dogs!
Q. What is your favorite Etsy shop and blog?
A. I have a lot of Etsy favorite shops. Grunauer & Wood can make a beautiful dress. I really like your blog. Beautifully done.

- To enter visit TESAGE by Yukiko Sato, and select a favorite item or print. You can also suggest a new item that you’d love to see in the shop. This step is mandatory, and please make sure to leave your e-mail address in your first comment.
Additional entries (Leave one comment for each entry.):
- I love my little clutches and wristlets and small purses, but I’m forever faithful to my absurdly large hobos and totes. Tell me your favorite style of purse and why you love it.
- Become a follower of Shrimp Salad Circus (the blog) using one of the blog subscribe options on the middle sidebar or at the top right under the search bar.
This is up to three entries per person. Feel free to help me spread the word by Tweeting, blogging, or grabbing my button for your blog’s sidebar!
Little bags are cute, but I prefer big totes to carry all my stuff!
I follow your blog.
My favorite is the Vela Tesage in Hanabi Leaf; gorgeous! peanut{at}nyc.rr.com
I love large shoulder bags with zipper closures. I like to be able to fit a ton of items in my bag! tylerpants(at)gmail.com
I’m a follower. tylerpants(at)gmail.com
My fave is the V2SL-Hanabi Leaf Vela Tesage bag! I think it’s a fun print & the pink/green color is lovely! tylerpants(at)gmail.com
Blog follower!
contact me at:
[email protected]
I love totes – and larger hobo purses! I need lots of room in my purse! LOL
contact me at:
[email protected]
I love the plum sky print 🙂
contact me at:
[email protected]
I follow this blog
I am a tote lover too!
I love the D2 SHIBORI Black Dots and I would love to see inserts for even bigger bags 🙂
I love wristlets – I am actually less likely to lose them in stores because they stay on my wrist so I can’t put them down!
Thanks !
[email protected]
I love the Playing Cats Key Chains! I have two kitties – an 18 pound tuxedo cat and an orange cat that like to play fetch! I adore my kitties! Beautiful shop 🙂
[email protected]
Subscribed in reader
My favorite style of bag is a big shoulder bag with long strap{s} that I can carry everything in. I love lots of pockets inside and out so I can stay organized, and a zip top so I don’t lose anything!
My favorite item is the Katty TESAGE K2L&D2 Zen Velvet Black Original Print 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I love roomy bags with pockets! They just feel right and when I have something unexpected that I need to keep safe, it goes in a special pocket!
daisydoo200 at yahoo dot com
I adore hobo style bags!
[email protected]
I love the K2L&D2 SUN MochaChino
Choco Brown Dots Lining bag
[email protected]
Your button in on my blog! http://helena-agalneedsatleast2blogs.blogspot.com/
daisydoo200 at yahoo dot com
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/xocaisgood/status/8714922169
daisydoo200 at yahoo dot com
Hi, nice to meet you! Thanks for the giveaway! I absolutely need the Sakura Satin Purse insert.
daisydoo200 at yahoo dot com
I follow!
My favorite are large purses! I guess the large hobo would be my favorite. Every one laughs at how big my purses are 🙂
Love the TESAGE Logo Eco tote
I think the V3SL HANABI Tree is really pretty and my favourite item!
Thanks for the giveaway!
abysinnian at gmail dot com
What a fabulous idea. I liked the water satin. Thanks!
I like big big bags so probably totes are my fave purses
shiki6210 at gmail dot com
The K2L&D2 SUN TerraCotta’08 Plum Wine Lining is just lovely! My fave I think.
shiki6210 at gmail dot com
I like totes and messenger bags! For the moment anyway. I have lots of junk so I need space!
reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com
Blog follower
reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com
D2 SHIBORI Azuki Dots purse insert is my fave. Very cute!
reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com
My favorite style of purse is little clutches because it is charming.
[email protected]
I’m follower!!!
[email protected]
My fav item is the D2 Mod Isabella .
[email protected]
I follow with a reader.
I, too, love hobos and totes. I tried using a smaller style of bag but I could never find what I needed because there was no room to look at what was inside! These inserts look very practical.
tmp95 at comcast dot net
Beautiful items! I really like the K1AL&D1 Hanabi Leaf.
tmp95 at comcast dot net
I am now an email subscriber 🙂
I like big totes; I seem to carry everything with me!
wow, such lovely things.. I especially like the Hanabi Leaf bags
Following you by email on feedburner.
rubymoonstone at gmail dot com
I am a Left side shoulder bag purse person. No matter what i can never get used to a handle purse. It has to go over my left shoulder or I feel incomplete–sort of.
rubymoonstone at gmail dot com
I love everything Tesage. the purse inserts are a wonderful idea! I also love the Katty Tote bags
The shape is especially nice!
rubymoonstone at gmail dot com
I am a follower.
I like medium size purses with very long straps so I can put it over my shoulder from one side to the other. Keeps my hands free!
I like the Chibi cases. Nice and compact!
debbiesther @ gmail.com
I like the D2 mod charco black dots!
These are so cure and practical. I love the D2 Mod Charco Black Dots. I have a thing for polk-a-dots. ambrerose(at)aol.com
My fave style of handbag now is the shoulder bag. Givenchy designs some gorgeous bags.
Rose Mary
formosarose AT gmail DOT com
Following via google friend connect.
formosarose AT gmail DOT com
I like the Tesage Insert D2 Water Satin — that cool blue color is very soothing.
Rose Mary
formosarose AT gmail DOT com
Tote bags are by far my favorite handbag style! I love that I can easily have room for small purchases I make and things I might need to throw in my bag for the day. 🙂 The only downside is that it can get a bit unorganized!!
I follow your blog.
I love the Mod Chocolate Dots!!! I could really use one of these, they are genius and I wish I had one a long time ago!! 🙂
I follow you through google friends connect (which coincidentally links up to my google reader)!
Also, I listed your giveaway on my site! Here’s the link:
My fave style of purse are the ones that have a diagonal strap to place on the body.. there’s a lot of thievery here and those make me feel safe since robbers can’t take the purse away from me. 🙂
There are so many cute options that it’s tough to pick a fave. I really like the D2 Water Satin though: http://www.tesage.com/d2water.html.
It’s so shiny, I love the color and the inside is so practical and well made!
I would suggest though that the store have bigger pics bc when looking through it, the pics were so small that it was tough to see the items!
I follow (and love!) this blog via Google Connect!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
I loveLOVElove tiny cute little purses…but I’m a real person, which means the rest of my ‘stuff’ ain’t tiny and cute! So I have to carry something bigger to accomodate all those things I *might* need. I compromise by carrying smallish hobo bags. I guess you could say I’m faithful to that style, but it’s a marriage of necessity. 🙂
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
I like the D2 Plum Wine design for a Purse Insert. Such a brilliant idea! I can’t imagine how much time a girl could save by using these! How often do you hear us say ‘oh, shoot…that’s in my other purse!’ Not anymore! 🙂
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
i really liked this one: http://www.tesage.com/d2plumwine.html
Daiane Negretti
[email protected]
I follow
My favorite style of purse is one that can be worn as a shoulder bag or back-pack style (over both shoulders)
As a mother I carry a lot in my purse and I don’t want it to slip off my shoulders when I bend over.
My favourite is the Vela bag.
My suggestion would be that you have bigger pictures or a ‘zoom in’ feature. I like to be able to see items close up on the internet especially when a fabric print or pattern is involved.
The Hanabi Leaf TESAGE Tote Bag appeals to me, such a practical colour but NOT black and brown, like most of my handbags. It would look great with neutrals or earth tones, I’m already thinking of outfits I could wear with it. 🙂
Kate1485 @ hotmail.com
I follow Shrimp Salad Circus;}
I love my big and by big, I mean huge bags! I have to be able to carry all of my stuff and my son’ stuff;}
I absolutely L-O-V-E the K1AL-Hanabi Tree
* Orginal Print *;}
Thank you for the opprotunity!!
I follow with Google now too. 🙂
[email protected]
I am a mother of young children so while I love my clutches and wristlets too, my favourite bags to carry around are my large tote bag and my large messenger bag. Both can fit all of my accessories as well as enough tissues, bandaids and wetwipes for my kids, LOL!
[email protected]
I love the Zen Velvet Gray’09 SAKURA Satin Lining – it’s so pretty!
[email protected]
I follow through google friend. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I like a large tote as I tend to carry half the house with me. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I like the Tesage Large Eco Tote the most. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I love the C1AL SUN CharcoChino’08 Tiny Polka Dots Lining. I could use one for my Blackberry!
I’m subscribing via google reader
liis177 at gmail dot com
haha good question! I’m very picky with my purses. I prefer single handles, lots of pockets (especially for my cell) and soft buttery leather!
these are just DARLING! i like the D2 Water Flower print 🙂
liis177 at gmail dot com
I follow this blog via Google Friend Connect.
outofthemist @ gmail .com (remove spaces)
My favourite style handbag right now is the x-large slouch tote. In purple! 🙂
outofthemist @ gmail .com (remove spaces)
I love this — V1SL Leather-look Zen Black’09
AZUKI Dots — I could so use that bag!
outofthemist @ gmail .com (remove spaces)
Already an Email Subscriber 🙂
I really love totes because as a mom of three I always leave the house with so much stuff in my bag. A tote allows me to fit it all and still be fashionable. 🙂
I really love the Mod Choco Brown Dots insert. Thanks for the great contest 🙂
I like the C1AL HANABI Leaf.
My favorite item in your shop is the Convertible V1SL Zen Velvet ( :
A_C_E_ at hotmail dot com
I’m a follower.
ale84.vercelli at hotmail dot it
my purse has to be big and the shoulder … (it says so in English?? I’m Italian) … I love the colored bags.
ale84.vercelli at hotmail dot it
I like D2 Plum Sky.
Thanks for this chance.
ale84.vercelli at hotmail dot it
blogged http://sherrycontest.blogspot.com/2010/01/tesage-purse-giveaway.html
sherrygo at hotmail dot com
I like clutches so much, so easy to use.
sherrygo at hotmail dot com
I follow your blog – janetfaye
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I like a tote style because I can put a lot of things in it and it is easy to carry.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I like V2SL Zen Velvet Gray’09
SAKURA Satin Lining.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I really really like: http://www.tesage.com/k1alhanabitree.html
I’m a follower.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I love clutches. They look elegant.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I love the K2LandD2 Florida Phuket
Limited Edition!
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Also, added your button to my social networking page, Artisans/Jewelry Designers, Ltd. [http://artisanjewelrydesigners.ning.com] – forgot to add that! Sharon Hightower
I love the black with with polk dots! I have joined your followers, become a fan, tweeted two of the purse organizers I loved, put the on Facebooks as well and I love this idea! My husband will love this idea!
Always frustrated with my hodge-podge mess in my purse (me too, but I won’t admit it!)
Too cool of an idea! Sharon Hightower – e-mail –
[email protected]
I follow, thank you.
[email protected]
I love the KINCHAKU design, so pretty! Thanks for the giveaway.
[email protected]
Love the plumwine print 🙂
[email protected]
I like to wear over-thehoulder bags most
[email protected]
I especially love the mod charco
[email protected]
I love this one: D2 SAKURA Satin. It’s so pretty.
jentam777 AT gmail DOT com
What a really great idea! Would love the D1 Tree Stripe!
audreyscountrycrafts at gmail dot com
I go with a shoulder bag so I don’t have to hold it in hands.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I like the d1 Shibori Azuki dots
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
sarahleary88 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I love wristlets! I take mine everywhere—mall, gym, etc.
I love carrying light, and a wristlet makes that possible
sarahleary88 [at] yahoo [dot] com
My fav is Mod Charco Black Dots
sarahleary88 [at] yahoo [dot] com
i follow the blog
lauren51990 at aol dot com
my favorite type of purse is a cross over. I don’t really like holding things for too long if I’m out and about.
lauren51990 at aol dot com
I really like this:
C4L Zen Velvet Black
(w/o Strap)
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
I follow your blog and subscribe to your feed!
thanks xx
[email protected]
My favorite style bag is a small tote that can rest in the crook of your arm ala the Birkin!
thanks xx
[email protected]
My favorite print is D2 SAKURA Satin!
thanks xx
[email protected]
Email subscriber
[email protected]
My favorite style of purse is a big hobo and I love it because it’s big and roomy, but shrinks down a bit when you sling it over your shoulder.
[email protected]
I like small shoulder bags; they force me to travel light.
urchiken at gmail dot com
My favorite item is this Katty tesage: http://www.tesage.com/k1zenvegrsal.html
urchiken at gmail dot com
My favorite print is the Florida Chenille’07
Cherry Lining.
[email protected]
i like the polka dots on this one!http://www.tesage.com/d2modchbldo.html
please enter me! 🙂
thanks for the giveaway!
healthy dog at live dot com
I like the ‘D2 plum wine’…the flowers are really nice!
missibiscus at gmail dot com
My favorite purse is red and velvet. It’s a drawstring tote style, and it has little bells around the top edge, like a jesters hat. My husband brought it for me at a medieval market. It’s just the right size for everything I need.
steff AT steffmetal DOT com
This is my favorite – the leather look shibori one. Pretty and sophisticated.
I would love to see more messenger-style bags, with the longer straps. I don’t like carrying my bags under my armpits normally.
steff AT steffmetal DOT com
My favorite purse is one that can also double as a classy laptop case (but it can’t be TOO structured or then I can’t fit other odd-shaped items in it). Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the canvas eco tesage.
I love the black polka dot print!
[email protected]
My mother and sister are still trying to cure me of this, but I still prefer a crossbody bag. It keeps my hands free and my things close at hand.
I love the V2SL Leather-look Zen Black in Azuki.
My favorite is the K2L&D2 SUN MochaChino
Choco Brown Dots Lining.
ahartup at yahoo dot com
I love all purses big and small but I’m always partial to the big “throw-everything-in” purses:)
I love the kimono print kinchaku style tesage!
My favorite type bag is a large hobo type bag because I love to read and carry books,coupons, and plus with kids and a baby I carry other necessities that may not all fit in the baby bag.
I follow via google friends connect.
I like the canvas eco tesage
following via google connect 🙂
Shay Lee
For bags, I follow the philisophy that bigger is better. I love large totes and hobo bags that cover half my body XD
Shay Lee
I love the D2 Mod Charco Black Dots! I would love to maybe see custom designs that I could make myself, that would be fun 🙂
Shay Lee
I love the K1AL&D1 Zen Velvet Gray.
My favourpite style of bag has got to be the tote, its big enought o fit everything you need in it while still being easily accessible!
I love her K2L&D2 Leather-look Zen Black’09
SHIBORI Dots Azuki Lining!
Because of some serious shoulder surgery a while back, I look for small but really efficient purses that keep me very organized. Thanks!
tammons at triad dot rr dot com
I like the SUN Charco Chino at Tesage. Thanks!
tammons at triad dot rr dot com
I love giant tote bags. I have a two year old so I need to fit tons of stuff in it.
follow on google friend
I really like the D2 Mod Choco Brown Dots. This would be awesome!
I love large hobos. I carry so much stuff in my bag I need something roomy all the time.
google friend follower
I really like the K1AL&D1 Hanabi Leaf
* Original Print * Ziggywag at yahoo dot com
I’m partial to big purses with lots on interior pockets
I LOVE the Mod Isabella
I also follow this blog =)
Oh My Goodness, I am in love love with the pink Florida Phuket
Limited Edition Tesage! My email is [email protected]. I also like your plum floral print. Thanks so much for the giveaway.
I am a happy email subscriber. I love your newsletter.
I live 100 miles from the nearest city and 40 miles from the closest town so any time I pick up and go anywhere I carry a super large tote and a small bag of personal items inside that. Totes help in so many ways to streamline errand running and shopping. I cannot live without my big tote!
Terra Cotta 08 is a great bag and a fabulous color. I love it.
I follow your blog
I love my current purse. It is HUGE so it holds all my junk and my girls diapers, juice, bottles, meds, etc. and is a over the shoulder strap.
I like the SHIBORI Black Dots pattern
I follow your blog on google friend
[email protected]
I love my medium sized bag and my larger tote style bags. Its much more convenient to tote around when you have a little one rather than a small purse & a diaper bag
[email protected]
I love the K2L&D2 Zen Velvet Black
* Orginal Print *
[email protected]
I love purses and I have several, but my all-time favorite remains a black leather and silver-clasp purse that I have had for years and years. It goes with every outfit and is so practical and classy–and BIG–so it holds all my stuff.
K1ALandD1 Florida Phuket Limited Edition–I love this, it’s my fav.
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
Lastly, I am a follower of your blog and very glad that I am.
Your great Lindsay!
My favorite kind of bag is a small over the shoulder bag, which just keeps your essentials (I have a vintage creme one I have been attached to for 2 years now!)
But I love totes as well, because you can’t fit anything other then your essentials in your little bag so I have a nice collection of random totes to carry all my other goods in.
I guess I am kind of a bag lady 😉
Alright I went on her shop on Etsy and my favorite item on there is the Convertible V2SL Vela TESAGE tote Zen Velvet Gray Original KIMONO Print Yukiko Sato Drawstring Closure Top {http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=19026023}
I love the colors and the flower pattern.
crystal {at} thehouseofhearts.com
LASTLY… I am a follower! 🙂 Thanks for the opportunities to win!
I am also a fan of huge purses and bags… I feel like I need to have EVERYTHING with me, so big bags help. I may have gotten a complex from watching Mary Poppins when I was young…she had the bottom-less bag!
Nice Q&A, fun to read!
Oh! My favorite print is the D2 Plum Sky…beautiful!
[email protected]
What a fun brand. Thanks for the introduction 😀
I am a follower too. 🙂
My favorite style at the moment is a tiny over the shoulder, but I am a fan of messengers and smaller back packs.
But I am longing for a nice medium size over the shoulder that is light and roomy, yet well organized.
I love these bags and inserts! The Hanabi prints are so beautiful. Thank you for making them. 🙂
[email protected]
This comment has been removed by the author.
I’m a follower!
My current favorite style is an over-the shoulder, small, square purse. I have two and I love the over-the-shoulder look. HOWEVER, I always have a big tote with me for work and class. (plus my purse- I’m a bit of a bag lady).
A purse insert! Why don’t I have one of these? Genius. I love the purse inserts. The Water Flower print is pretty. I also like K1A&D1 SUN Charco Chino ’08.
[email protected]