capturing my mundane

April 19, 2012 separator Life


I just realized that I share tons of DIYs and inspiration on here, but I haven’t shared too terribly much from my own everyday moments recently… These pictures are mostly from when I first got my camera – Januaryish, to be exact. I still have a whole lot of learning to do with Camilla (the camera, of course), but I’ve found that it’s quite fun to “practice.”

There’s no rhyme or reason to this set of images; I just like them for various reasons – good memories, happy times, and beautiful moments. 

Surrounded by skinny trees on a hike…

Cat feet and a face I can never refuse…


Find more pictures (and only a little bit more catfest – promise!) after the jump.

Skittles vodka – a Pinterest pin brought to life by one of my lovely friends!

Playing around with aperture. Can you tell how in love I am with this lens?! (Canon 50mm f/1.8

P.S. Thanks so much to all the sweet people who have given me advice on where to go in Munich. I’ll be asking for help with a few other destinations soon! You’re all amazing! :


  1. Bukmekerin necə tapılacağı ilə maraqlana bilərsiniz və mən öz təcrübəmdən deyə bilərəm ki, rəylər çox kömək edir. Sizə deyə bilərəm ki, bu baxış haqqında çox yaxşı
    deyilib. Düşünürəm ki, bu məqaləni mütləq bəyənəcəksiniz, çünki orada Parimatch bonuslarını necə əldə edəcəyinizi öyrənəcəksiniz

  2. Is that Axis and Allies (the board game) ??

    I only ever played a handful of times, but that’s pretty much what it looked like to me. Haha! 🙂

    I looove the cat pics. I’m a huge cat lover myself. 😛

    I got to your blog through a link on some other blog advice blog hahaha. 🙂 I added you to my feed, mainly for your blogger advice, but also for neat picture heavy posts like this! Have fun in Amsterdam!

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