Acrylic Painting for Beginners (Really!) + Make With Paint Giveaway

January 12, 2018 separator DIY Tutorial

Acrylic Painting for Beginners

I didn’t make New Year’s resolutions this year. I never stick to them, and it just stresses me out.

Instead, I really thought about a few things I wanted to prioritize this year. Since I make things sort of professionally, I often get caught up in one project and then the next and the next, forgetting to enjoy the process.

Acrylic Painting for Beginners

So this year I decided I’m going to try to be more intentional about creating for pleasure. I’m already off to a pretty good start, as I’ve taken an entire acrylic painting for beginners video course, and I’ve partnered with Deco Art and Make With Paint to share it with you guys!

I chose to take Cari Voeltner’s lessons because you guys know I can’t resist hand-lettering. I also really liked the way she does her flowers and wanted to learn her techniques for that because I tend to be overly-precise. Her loose, flowy style is so nice!

Read on for my thoughts about the lessons and projects, and scroll all the way to the end for the giveaway!

Online Acrylic Painting Lessons


The supply kit has everything you need to make each of the three projects, including graphite paper to transfer the outlines onto the paper or wood surfaces.

The really nice thing is that you can use the printouts of the designs over and over again. That’s perfect if you want to make a bunch of thank you cards, for example!

The kit also includes paintbrushes and every DecoArt Americana Acrylic paint color that Cari uses in the videos, so you can get the exact same look that she creates.

You can also join the Society of Decorative Painters for members-only content, special painting certifications, and more.

Acrylic Painting for Beginners

The Projects

You guys know I do all my tutorials as step-by-step photos, and that’s definitely helpful, but after taking Cari’s painting course, let me tell you — videos are the way to go…

It was so nice being able to pause to finish a section or rewind if I didn’t catch something the first time, and going througheach project one at a time helped me build on the skills from one video to the next.

Online Acrylic Painting LessonsOnline Acrylic Painting Lessons

And I know some of you might be rolling your eyes, wondering how I can give an honest review of a beginner painting course when I already know how to paint. Well, let me clear the air on that:

Yes, I do calligraphy and hand-lettering.

Yes, I paint things regularly.

But this style of painting was something totally new and different for me. I never would have laid the paint on as heavily as Cari suggests. It’s not how I’ve done things, so it never would have occurred to me. I am also a little bit of a perfectionist and could never manage loose, flowy flowers. I was all about the lines and clean, crisp edges. But now that I’ve learned to do things this way, I totally love it!

Online Acrylic Painting LessonsOnline Acrylic Painting Lessons Online Acrylic Painting LessonsOnline Acrylic Painting LessonsOnline Acrylic Painting Lessons

Make With Paint Giveaway

One lucky reader will win everything featured in this post — the exact kit I used, plus Cari’s three-video instructional series from the Society of Decorative Painters.

But if you just can’t wait that long — or if you don’t end up being the lucky winner — I still have a great deal for you, so please take this opportunity to finally try your hand at painting!

Save 25% when you buy a Make With Paint supply kit and video course together. Code: LINDSAY25

Acrylic Painting for Beginners


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  2. I would love to learn to paint flowers with acrylic! I’ve painted with oil, but I don’t have much experience with acrylic, so I’d love to learn any tips she gives and her technique.

    1. Thanks, K! it was fun to get outside my comfort zone and try something loose and relaxed. Cari’s style is so pretty.

  3. Love painting. It relaxes me and gets me in the happy mode. Always looking to learn new tip, tricks and techniques to improve my basic beginner skills.

  4. Really, I would love to learn how to paint anything. Maybe lettering or flowers or an alpaca! or Yarn!

    1. I would LOVE to see an alpaca!! 🙂 You should check out the other course in the Make With Paint series, too. It’s a series of birds!

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