the anti treasury | wallamelon

May 14, 2010 separator etsy

I used to know this hilarious Southern gentleman who called watermelons ‘wallamelons,’ and today just felt like a wallamelon sort of day, so here you are:


  1. lol my niece would call them “walla walla helons” when she was about 1 and a half. I guess some people just don’t grow out of that 🙂
    have a great weekend!

  2. That hat (and the picture) is adorable! Great finds!

    Thanks for your kind comments about my photos. I really appreciate it!


  3. That baby hat is so dang cute! (so is the baby) Wallamelon. ha!

  4. I have heard “wallamelons” quite a few times here in Alabama. Southerners are quirky! 🙂
    The earrings are great! The bath bomb is adorable too!

  5. great watermelon finds, the picture at the top right is making me very hungry. wish i had some watermelon.

  6. They’re all so adorable! The cupcake bath bomb looks yummy 🙂

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