Treading Water . A Mile in My Shoes

June 27, 2011 separator Life

This picture is pretty adorable, in a sad puppy (pun intended) sort of way, but I can’t help wondering in what scenario I’d want to buy a copy of somebody else’s cone-bedecked dog. Man, that sucker’s cute though… Anywho – that little face kind of captures my sentiment for the past weekend. 

I catch bronchitis the way [insert name of a top NFL wide-receiver here] catches touchdown passes, and I’ve discovered that there are few things more exhausting than working an 8.5 hour 6:30 AM summer camp shift with only halfway functioning lungs. To make a long story short or to help you read between the lines, I’m whining. 

I should be applying for big girl jobs when I get home from work everyday (and all weekend), but instead I spent the past weekend laid up in bed and plowed through 4.5 Sookie Stackhouse novels. Pure smut, but man I love ’em. Speaking of – has anybody else noticed how positively awful the original cover art for these puppies is?! C’mon now, Charlaine!!!

via CB2

Along the vein of my obsessions, I’ve also become a bit hung up on Pinning every little thing my heart desires for The Mister and my new apartment! Yes, friends, that’s right – we move July 23!!!!! I couldn’t be happier, but I could certainly use some more shopping funds… 

So that’s what’s on my rambling mind at the moment. What mundane (or even epic) things have captured your fancy of late?!

Oh, and don’t forget to go play my little game from Saturday!!! 


  1. aw, sorry you’ve been under the weather–and I agree on that original cover art it’s very…mm…

  2. I hear you, sometimes we just need to blow off the to do list and take a break. I hope you feel better soon!

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